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Seriously?!?! Dafuq is going on here?!?!!? |
6:42 am... Awoke this morning to Little Man scrambling into the room around 6:00 am. He had <microwave beeps... coffee retrieved... hot enough... return to blogging> crashed out on the way home from school yesterday, so is super-rested. On the other hand, Honey Bee and I had stayed up late working on his Halloween costume - Rocky from Paw Patrol. It's coming along well, but there's quite a bit of work left to be done before the big day... which is Friday for his school. It sucks waking up stressed on a Saturday. I need to meditate. <two sips of coffee... rub eyes... sigh>
The cats were running about mad-jacking last night, so they got locked out of the bedroom. This has become a regular occurrence in the last week. Perhaps the cold weather is making them rowdy, dunno. They are lovable devils, and have fallen into the routine of lounging on my desk as I blog each morning. <more coffee... is my brain starting to work yet... no... not quite> Masala is in her little blue cushy bed and Tyrion just jumped up and flopped on the random junk covering the surface before me - phone, stick eraser, ethic textbook. He doesn't really care what's there, he just flops down. He's the flopster (not to be confused with flobsters - which are flying lobsters.) We wonder if it's because of his short little Munchkin legs, or if it's just part of his personality. With cats it's hard to say. <coffee... coffee... coffee... damn, it's cooling already>
Anyway, truly a rambling post this morning. <more coffee> Honey Bee and Little Man are getting a shower now. We usually let him skip the shower on Saturday, but he has a haircut appointment today, so he is not being tortured mercilessly with warm water and soap... waterboarding at its finest. I'm coming slowly toward center now, breathing, typing with eyes closed, focusing on that one sunflower amongst the field of them. The early morning sun illuminates them behind me. I wonder what type of star it is, because the world of the sunflowers is clearly not our own. Is it a G2 like the sun? Probably, I don't know that I can inherently envision any other. Neither a harsher white F-star or a cooler red K-star work for my internal image.
As terrestrial beings our perspective on the reality of the universe is so very limited. This is why AI is so scary to those who truly understand what it means to create a self-aware being. Regardless of how careful and attentive we are to its programming, we will truly have no idea what perspective it would see the world from. At least, not until we have time to observe and analyze, just as we would need to do with an alien life form... I've had enough of this rambling. And I'm sure you have, too... 7:03 am...
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