Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Joy of Waking

7:18 am... Aaaah... Saturday! Instead of waking up to a buzzing alarm, we were greeted by Little Man stumbling into the room and slumping against the bed. He gave Honey Bee a hug and immediately said "Can I play with my tablet now?" That was about 25 minutes ago, which is right on time. I he sleeps past 7 am, it usually means that he's sick.

So now the coffee is slowly trickling through the Chemex filter and sumptuous, steamy, aromatic liquid is pulsing in waves in front of me. Taunting me. I need my fix. Meanwhile, a woman narrates some fan fiction My Little Pony adventure behind me. I'm sure there are figurines involved and an incredibly low production value, but Little Man is smiling and laughing at it, so good. The cats are running about, thoroughly enjoying the cardboard box sitting by the front door. We always let new boxes hang around the place for a few days, because they do enjoy them so very much, and entertain us with their antics to boot.

Honey Bee has begged off getting out of bed at this point, wanting another hour before she dives into more Algebra homework. I do my best to give her these rare opportunities to rest - she runs herself ragged during the week, poor thing. Of course, I currently have the very mixed blessing of being unemployed. It gives me time to blog, homework for my classes gets done easily, and the cooking and cleaning can actually get done with some regularity and forethought. Unfortunately, it also means that we have very little money, despite taking early withdrawals from my 401k - which is running out fast.

But those are not worries for today. It is finally autumn. Little Man is very excited about Halloween, since every day is Halloween in October. He is going to be Rocky from Paw Patrol. We have managed to gather all of the core components for his outfit, but still need to get it put together. There is time. It is so much more enjoyable (for me anyway) to actually put together a costume. The store-bought kind are usually flimsy and uninspired. Plus, they are super expensive and typically don't survive the trick-or-treating adventure intact enough to use again.

The coffee is nearly brewed, and Little Man is demanding waffles with increased intensity, so I'd better wrap up this post with some haste. It is time to enjoy the day, get some writing done, contemplate the future and be thankful for what we have, instead of worrying about what we're lacking.

Enjoy the day, friends. You have worked for it all week long, be sure to make the best of it. Life is short. Time to enjoy it is even shorter.

Seize the day... 7:38 am...

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